How to Use Plain Language

How to Use Plain Language in SEO Copywriting

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SEO copywriting boosts website rankings, but sometimes, our language can be tricky for people to understand. Plain language simplifies it, making it easier to grasp.

This article will explore what plain language is all about and why it’s important for SEO copywriting.

What is Plain Language?

Plain language is about breaking down big, complicated ideas into simpler, clearer ones.

You’re helping more people connect with your content because they can understand it better.

Think about it when you’re searching for something online.

You probably click on the websites that give you the information you need quickly and in a way that makes sense, right?

Here’s what plain language does:

  1. Keep people interested because they can understand what you’re saying.
  2. Helping your website perform better in search results.
  3. People are likely to stay on your website longer, share it with others, and come back again in the future.

And that’s exactly what you want as a marketer!


The plain language might seem simple, but it is powerful in SEO copywriting.

Here are some of the key benefits:

1. Improved Readability and Comprehension

Using plain language makes your content easier to read and understand.

This means more people can connect with your message, which keeps them engaged on your website.

For example, instead of saying “utilize,” you could say “use.” It’s a small change, but it can make a big difference in how easily people understand your content.

2. Increased User Engagement and Retention

People are more likely to stay on your website and explore more of your content when written in plain language.

They won’t get bogged down trying to decipher complicated words or phrases, so they’ll stick around longer.

Imagine you’re reading a blog post, and every other word is something you have to look up. It’d be frustrating, right?

Plain language helps prevent that frustration and keeps people interested in what you have to say.

3. Enhanced SEO Performance:

Search engines like Google love content that’s clear, concise, and easy to understand.

When you use plain language in your SEO copywriting, you’re signaling to search engines that your content is valuable and relevant to users’ search queries.

This can help boost your website’s ranking in search results, making it more people will find and click on your content.

And as we all know, the higher you rank in search results, the more traffic you’ll get to your website.

Applying Plain Language in Your Copy

Now that we’ve seen the power of plain language, let’s explore 5 practical tips for using it in your copy.

Remember, the goal is to make your content easily digestible without sacrificing the depth of your message.

1. Know Your Audience

Think about who you’re writing for.

If your audience is not familiar with industry jargon, avoid using it.

For example, instead of saying “ROI optimization strategies,” you could say “ways to get more value for your investment.”

This way, you’re speaking directly to your audience’s level of understanding.

2. Breaking Down Technical Jargon

If your topic is complex, break it down into simpler terms.

For instance, provide clear explanations instead of diving into intricate technical details.

If discussing advanced marketing analytics, you could simplify it by saying, “tracking and understanding your online performance.”

3. Use Active Voice

Using active voice makes your writing more straightforward and engaging.

Instead of saying, “The product was bought by the customer,” say, “The customer bought the product.”

It adds clarity and makes your message more direct.

4. Optimize for Keywords Naturally

While incorporating keywords is crucial for SEO, ensure they fit naturally into your sentences.

Instead of forcing keywords, think about how people would naturally search for your content.

If you’re writing about affordable smartphones, use phrases like “budget-friendly phones” in a way that fits naturally within your text.

5. Prioritize Clarity Over Creativity

While creativity is essential, prioritize clarity.

Using complex language to sound sophisticated is tempting, but it can confuse your audience.

If you have a choice between a clever but confusing phrase and a simple, clear one, choose the latter.

Remember, the goal is to communicate effectively.

Tools and Resources

These tools and resources can help you assess readability, find simpler alternatives to complex words, and ensure your content is as clear and understandable as possible.

1. Online Readability Tools

Tools like Hemingway Editor and analyze your content and provide readability scores, highlighting areas that may be difficult to understand.

They offer suggestions for simplifying your writing to improve readability.

2. Plain Language Guides & Resources

Websites like and the Plain Language Association International (PLAIN) offer guides, articles, and training resources to help you understand and apply plain language principles effectively.

These resources provide guidance on simplifying language, organizing information logically, and designing documents for easy readability.

3. SEO Plugins and Software

SEO plugins like RankMath SEO and Ahrefs Writing Tools provide features that help you optimize your content for search engines while considering readability.

They offer suggestions for improving readability and ensuring your content meets SEO best practices.

4. Language Simplification Tools

Tools like Simplified and Rewordify allow you to input complex text and receive simplified versions, making it easier to understand and rewrite content using plain language.

They provide valuable assistance in ensuring your content is clear, concise, and optimized for readers and search engines.

Case Studies

Explore real-life examples showcasing how plain language boosts user engagement and SEO performance in copywriting.

1. Simplifying Technical Content

  • Scenario: A technology blog, Zero Day aimed to explain complex cybersecurity concepts to a broad audience.
  • Approach: Instead of using technical jargon, they broke down concepts like encryption and malware into simple terms anyone could understand.
  • Result: The blog saw increased organic traffic as more people found their content helpful and easy to understand.

2. Clear Product Descriptions

  • Scenario: An e-commerce website, wanted to improve its product pages to increase sales.
  • Approach: They replaced technical specifications with plain language descriptions that focused on the benefits of each product.
  • Result: Users spent more time on the product pages, and the website saw a boost in conversion rates as shoppers found it easier to understand the value of each product.

3. User-Friendly Guides

  • Scenario: A travel website, Fodor’s created destination guides to help users plan their trips.
  • Approach: They avoided using travel industry jargon and provided straightforward tips and recommendations.
  • Result: The guides became popular among travelers, leading to higher engagement and increased sharing on social media platforms.

By prioritizing clarity and simplicity, these businesses could connect more effectively with their target audience and achieve their marketing goals.


Remember the power of plain language to connect, engage, and inspire action. You can create content that performs well in search results and resonates with your audience on a deeper level.

Keep learning, experimenting, and striving for clarity and simplicity in your writing.

Your audience will thank you for it, and your marketing efforts will surely reap the rewards.


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